Russian Development Bank renamed in Bank Otkritie

Дата публикации: 09.07.2009 08:38 Обновлено: 09.07.2009 08:40
1 302
Время прочтения: 2 минуты

Russian Development Bank was renamed in Bank Otkritie. As the Central Bank of the Russian Federation said in a statement posted on its website, a license was issued to the lending institution on July 1, 2009.

Speaking about an upcoming rebranding campaign, the bank’s management board chairman Vitaly Milke pointed out earlier that Moscow-based and regional branches, as well as customer service centers, will be operating in a new format. “The campaign will also lead to exterior and interior changes of the bank’s office premises and business attributes of Russian Development Bank. The comprehensive image change reflects the bank’s new development strategy stemming fr om the arrival of a new shareholder, Otkritie Financial Corporation. As you know, at the end of 2008 the corporation bought 100% of the lender’s securities," he noted.

“We are confident RDB should expand its business not only by means of the rebranding, but also by offering up-to-date and competitive financial services. To this end, over the past recent months RDB has enlarged the range of its deposit products, launched new auto and SME lending programs, also opened a first one-stop office where clients are offered both traditional banking products and a number of investment services," Milke emphasized.

According to the data from news agency and Interfax-CEA, as of January 1, 2009 Russian Development Bank ranked 77th among Russian banks in terms of net assets (Rub 36.3 bln). The lending institution is a member of the national deposit insurance system.


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