Uralfinprombank shareholders to address liquidation issue on January 12

Дата публикации: 14.12.2010 18:03 Обновлено: 14.12.2010 18:04
1 061
Время прочтения: 1 минута

RIA NOVOSTI. Shareholders of Uralfinprombank (Ekaterinburg) will discuss at a January 12 extraordinary meeting the issue of liquidating the lending institution, as signs of insolvency appeared, RIA Novosti reported.

In addition, the bank’s EGM plans to review the issue of submitting a request to the Bank of Russia to have its banking license annulled or revoked.

Uralfinprombank’s shareholders include Dmitry Egay and Andrey Shatalov. Recently they acquired an interest in Bank Monetny Dvor, which is part, according to media reports, of the financial and industrial group that consisted of Donbank, Slavyansky Bank and Trado-Bank. Slavyansky Bank and Trado-Bank, which encountered difficulties in fulfilling their obligations and were stripped of their licenses on December 3, held rankings in the second and fourth hundred of Russian banks by assets.

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