Media: three banks and two investment firms eying Ecoprombank stocks

Дата публикации: 07.08.2014 13:08 Обновлено: 07.08.2014 13:14
Время прочтения: 1 минута

Three lending institutions and two investment firms laid claims to grab a controlling interest in Ecoprombank, Kommersant. Prikamie wrote quoting a source at the lending institution. The paper’s interviewee revealed no details as no specific arrangements were made.

Novy companion, in turn, names Vitus among those eying the bank’s stocks. “I have personally been in talks with four potential buyers. The bank’s other owners have also been seeking possible options. There are companies which are interested in picking up the bank. There is Perm-based Vitus, Moscow-based ones, regional banking groups," Ecoprombank co-owner Vladimir Nelyubin told the online newspaper.

The lending institution faced problems in late July when after a news attack its clients began to take back their money en masse. The acceptance of new deposit accounts and the service of bank cards were suspended, and the Bank-Client system was turned off for a while. Meanwhile, last week the bank announced the receipt of a first tranche to meet its obligations to the deposit holders.

A message was posted on Ecoprombank’s website on Wednesday that the lending institution’s offices are going to introduce new conditions to serve clients as apart from the current operating activities written applications have to be dealt with. “This is a rigorous job that takes quite a lot of time. For this reason hours for client operations were cut," the bank noted.

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