Agroimpuls renamed in AB Finance

Дата публикации: 30.07.2010 12:24 Обновлено: 30.07.2010 12:26
1 578
Время прочтения: 1 минута

Agroimpuls wants to notify its customers, contracting parties and partners of changes in its location and the corporate name.

The lending institution’s new corporate name is Open Joint Stock Company “Commercial Bank AB Finance”. Relevant amendments were already made to the CBR Book for State Registration of Lending Institutions.

On July 22, 2010 the bank obtained a banking license to deal with funds denominated in rubles and foreign currencies (without the right to attract private deposits), and also a license to attract private deposits.

The lending institution is now located at the following address: bldg. 10, 5, Gostinichnaya St., Moscow, 127106.

“Changes of the bank’s corporate name and location will not cause changes in the rights and obligations under contracts (agreements) signed," the lending institution’s press service pledged.

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