Smolensky Bank shareholders receive rehabilitation offers from two private banks

Дата публикации: 05.12.2013 17:08 Обновлено: 05.12.2013 17:09
Время прочтения: 1 минута

The shareholders of Smolensky Bank received on Wednesday rehabilitation offers from two privately held banks, the bank said in a press release posted on its website. It runs that the bank’s shareholders are analyzing the offers.

In addition, potential rehabilitators are not disclosed until the regulator decides to rehabilitate the bank.

For the record, Smolensky Bank suspended client account activities because of a glitch last week. The lending institution reported on Monday that it had applied to the Bank of Russia seeking a Rub 8 bln stabilization credit. The bank’s offices are still closed and clients are not served. The media wired that the bank’s majority shareholder Pavel Shitov (over 30%) pulled out of the bank.

The lending institution posted on its website an open letter to Bank of Russia chairwoman Elvira Nabiullina, in which the bank’s clients request to provide the bank with financial aid and not to revoke its license.

Earlier this week the media wired that the Bank of Russia and DIA would give Rub 6 bln to rehabilitate another lending institution, Samara-based Solidarnost.

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