DIA gives OFZs worth Rub 9 bln to MDM Bank as part of capital injection program

Дата публикации: 19.10.2015 15:39 Обновлено: 19.10.2015 15:39
Время прочтения: 1 минута

The Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) has entered into subordinated loan agreements with MDM Bank and signed an agreement with the lending institution to monitor its activities, DIA's PR department reported.

As DIA specified, the bank was provided with federal loan bonds (OFZs) of five issues (No. 29006RMFS, No. 29007RMFS, No. 29008RMFS, No. 29009RMFS, and No. 29010RMFS) with total par value of Rub 9.05 bln.

Annual interest rates on the bank's subordinated loans were equal to coupon rates on relevant issues of OFZs plus 1%.

To date, as part of the government's measures to inject funds into banks OFZs worth Rub 634.3 bln have been provided to 15 lending institutions.

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