ENERGOMASHBANK Sees 9M2007 Assets Rise 1.5 Times

Дата публикации: 25.10.2007 09:10
1 296
Время прочтения: 1 минута

Based on 9M2007 results, the assets of St. Petersburg’s ENERGOMASHBANK have reached 2.8 billion roubles, an increase of 49%. The bank’s net loan debt totalled R1.9b, a 60% increase due to lending to legal entities and private individuals, including mortgage lending. Consequently, in the third quarter, ENERGOMASHBANK again joined the top five banks, most actively engaged in the City mortgage credit program. Over 9M2007, ENERGOMASHBANK issued mortgage credits worth R315m. In nine months, funds of bank’s clients grew by 51%, deposits — 160% to R1.0b. The increase in private deposits became possible due to active marketing policy and the opening of two new bank offices in Petrogradsky and Kirovsky districts of St. Petersburg. Based on nine-month results, the bank’s own equity reached R275.5m. ENERGOMASHBANK’s nine-month profit totalled R43.3m, up 262% from the same period last year.

Source: BANKIR.RU, October 23, 2007

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