Control over Svyaznoy Bank goes to Oleg Malis

Дата публикации: 28.04.2015 15:36 Обновлено: 28.04.2015 15:37
1 642
Время прочтения: 1 минута

Control over Svyaznoy Bank is now in the hands of Oleg Malis, the lending institution said in a press release.

The bank specified that Oleg Malis holds a 100% stake in Roulson Holding Ltd., which owns 100% of North Financial Overseas Corp. NFOC, in turn, holds a 51% voting interest in Trellas Enterprises Limited that owns 81.3% of Svyaznoy Bank's common registered shares.

At the end of 2014 Onexim assigned the rights of claim under a loan, which was collateralized by Trellas shares, to Oleg Malis's Solvers Group. This February the Cypriot court recognized Solvers's title to a controlling stake in Trellas.

In mid-April Svyaznoy Bank reported that it ceased to attract retail deposits for six months following the Bank of Russia's order. Last week Michael Touch, President of mobile retailer Svyaznoy, said that Svyaznoy Bank's fate is in the hands of the Bank of Russia and the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA), and a decision could be taken within several weeks or months.
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