Investbank supervisory board recommends no dividends

Дата публикации: 28.04.2009 16:43 Обновлено: 28.04.2009 16:44
1 131
Время прочтения: 1 минута

The supervisory board at Investbank decided to call an annual shareholders meeting on June 25, 2009 in Kaliningrad, the lending institution’s press service reported.

The following issues were put on the AGM agenda: to approve an annual report, annual accounting records, including a P&L statement, distribution of 2008 profit, approve amendments to the charter, approve a new edition of the statute on the supervisory board and amendments to be made to the statute on reward and remuneration to supervisory board members, to name but a few.

“For the purpose of promoting Investbank’s development, boosting its equity capital, expanding the lending institution’s covered in Russian territory and ramping up volumes of the activities carried out, the supervisory board recommended that the AGM neither announce nor pay out dividends on common registered non-documentary shares for 2008," the lending institution pointed out in a statement.

According to the data from and news agency Interfax-CEA, as of January 1, 2009 net assets of Investbank totaled Rub 23.1 bln (104th place in Russia). The lending institution is a member of the national deposit insurance system.


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