DIA looking to finish rehabilitation of Bashinvestbank, Rossiyski Capital and KIT Finance in 2012

Дата публикации: 18.05.2011 10:56 Обновлено: 18.05.2011 10:58
1 197
Время прочтения: 1 минута

PRIME-TASS. The Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) will most likely finalize by the end of 2011 the rehabilitation of 3 of 15 banks: Rossiyski Capital, Bashinvestbank and KIT Finance Investment Bank, first deputy general director of the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) Valery Miroshnikov said at a press conference in Ekaterinburg on Tuesday.

Rossiyski Capital will not finish the rehabilitation procedure not because it’s a bad bank, but because currently there is such a ratio between net assets and our investments that we cannot so far sell the bank and wait until this imbalance changes. As for KIT Finance, we spoke with the bank’s shareholders and executives, reached understanding and plan to finalize its rehabilitation if not in 2011, then next year," he said.

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