Anna Chapman hired by Russian bank

Дата публикации: 12.10.2010 09:01 Обновлено: 12.10.2010 09:02
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Время прочтения: 2 минуты

Fundservicebank officially confirmed on October 10 that Russian spy Anna Chapman who was deported from the United States has been since early October an advisor to the lending institution’s president for investment and innovations.

“Quite interesting topics, in our opinion, in the area of innovations in the IT sector encouraged Anna Vasilievna to join the bank’s team (Chapman is working on a book about new possibilities of online resources)," the bank said in a press release. Chapman’s culturological project related to the development of the aerospace also deserves solid support. For this reason Anna recently made a trip to Baikonur.

Chapman’s appearance on Baikonur last week attracted the media and news agencies found out that one of the persons involved in the big spy scandal is now employed by a Russian bank.

The lending institution believes that in Anna Chapman it has found “an exceptionally creative and, what’s also important, all-round prepared employee who is really concerned about the future of Russia and problems related to the makeover of the Russian industry. In a literal sense the bank was impressed by those business projects that Anna has been executing on her own and her charity campaigns, which she conducted without any media coverage before and, undoubtedly, will continue to follow this path from now on. It is possible that some of her projects, including those that are executed with support of Fundservicebank, will be unveiled in the near term, but it’s only up to Anna Chapman to decide when and how this is to be done”.

Fundservicebank is not the only place of employment for Chapman, therefore she was offered to work at the bank at the time she finds convenient. “Along with other top managers of the lending institution she can use all the bank’s infrastructure, including its office premises, corporate transport, communication and other specific options," Fundservicebank said.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin was known to meet with Russian spies who came from the United States back in summer. Telling about this meeting the prime minister assured that former spy agents would live outstanding and interesting lives. “I am confident they’ll hold decent positions," the prime minister said at that time.

Fundservicebank is a financial hub of its key shareholder — Stolichnaya Trust Company Soyuz (96.41%) that provides services to businesses from the high-tech and innovative sectors, and also those that make high-tech investments. STC Soyuz’s 100% beneficial owner is Alexander Volovnik.

As data shows, as of September 1, 2010 the lending institution’s net assets stood at Rub 41.78 bln (85th place in Russia), equity capital came to Rub 4.76 bln, the credit portfolio totaled Rub 21.54 bln and liabilities to households amounted to Rub 6.59 bln.

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