AF Bank ups charter capital

Дата публикации: 11.11.2008 17:09 Обновлено: 11.11.2008 17:15
1 104
Время прочтения: 1 минута

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation registered another additional issue of AF Bank’s shares worth Rub 1 bln, the bank’s press service reported. Now the lender’s charter capital is equal to Rub 1,183.36 mln and equity topped Rub 1.41 bln.

Moreover, as the bank said on its website, in January-October the credit portfolio expanded by Rub 774 mln to make Rub 2,081.6 mln, whereas private deposits reached Rub 526.2 mln, exceeding the January 1, 2008 figure by record 5.4 times.

According to the data from news agency and Interfax-CEA, as of July 1, 2008 net assets of AF Bank stood at Rub 2.25 bln (451st place in Russia). The lending institution is a member of the national deposit insurance system.


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